divendres, 30 de setembre del 2016

What does a teacher needs to become a great teacher?

There are many things that a teacher needs to know about the children she or he is looking after on its class. First of all, you have to know about the background of every kid; its family, social enviroment, etc. That way, teachers know better how to treat every kid and as everyone is different needs to be treated different. 

It is so important to gain children's respect and if we have a good structure the respect, attention, values... will come along. Start for listening how students feel, it is important to talk about it.

Inside of the classroom we need to create a nice atmosphere, find tools to keep students attention and motivated by knowing what they are interested on learning, achive a good atmosphere and being creative. It is also so important to be organized and preseverant. Also, anytime we are about to start doing something new, we have to be clear on the instructions and make sure everybody understood.

These are only a couple of aspects that a teacher needs to know and have under control to become a great teacher and to have a good management of the class. Many students look at their teachers either as their heros or their worst enemy, let's try on being their hero. Every kid needs a hero, every kid needs to feel safe, useful and happy and it is our responsability to make them feel that way when they are in the school.

We have big responsability, we have the future on our hands. Let's do it great.

divendres, 23 de setembre del 2016

How to call kids attention?

Many people relate school with doing school sheets and there sometimes parents are not happy if their children don't bring home an amount of these sheets at the end of the school year. As an Early Childhood Education Student I truly believe we have to go further away from there. Children won't pay attention after the second sheet they do and they will disconnect. We need to find and apply new methods to call their attention and motivate them. Kids don't have to be doing homework all the time, they need to do different things and we have to listen to them to know what they are interested on do and let them choose.

The point of all of this is that whatever they are doing, sometimes they need a break to disconnect and reestart. There is one easy tool that we can use as teachers to keep children motivated: icebreakers. They are little games that are used in the middle of lessons or if they are doing a tough work. Usually they are games that get everybody participate but they also can be as simple as a little song. Here is an example:

One, two three, look at me.
Four and five do the jive.
Six, seven, eight, concentrate.

After hearing it a couple of times, when you start saying it, they will keep going and saying it themselves. That is an easy way to claim kids attention and make them connect and concentrate easily and fast so you can keep going whit whatever you were doing in the class. This example could be well used in moments of an amount of noise.