divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016

What do we know about...

Whenever you want to introduce a new topic in a class, you always have to try and make children participate and share their knwoledge. How can we do it? Easy as asking them questions. Make them be who guides your questions, you can prepare some basic ones before the class like:

- What do you know about that topic?
- What would you like to know about it?

Then go further from what they answer. For instance, if we are talking about transports, ask them for instance how many transports do they know, when they answer, then ask them to organize them by the way they travel: air, sea, road... There are infinity of possibilities depending on the item you choose to work on. It is so important to ask as many different types of questions as we can.

As a future teacher to be, I truly believe it is so important to let children participate. Lessons don't have to be about the teachers but about the students. We have to let them participate and share as much as they know. We have to go from that basis to what we want them to learn.

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